ConstructSim Planner CONNECT Edition Update 5 Help

To Compare Schedules

You can compare the schedules based on different types of start and finish times.

  1. From the ConstructSim menu, select Schedule > Compare Schedules. The Compare Animations dialog opens. Also, an alert opens asking whether to delete the previous schedule linking information; click OK.

    The Tasks to Import dialog opens.

  2. Select All Tasks. The Task Linking Rules dialog opens.
  3. Click Process.
  4. In the Animation Producer dialog (key in DIALOG ANIMATOR), select View > Schedule. The schedule details display in all panes.
  5. In the Compare Animations dialog, choose the type of Start/Finish times for the schedule you want to compare to the original schedule and click View 2.

    The second animation is automatically loaded and displays in the Second Animation section of the Animation Settings dialog (opens when you select Settings > General in the Animation Producer dialog).